stabilisation of open loop or closed loop中文什么意思

[物理] 开启环和关闭的环的; 开环或闭环的稳定化
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  1. stabilisation of ground for sinking mine shafts 什么意思
  2. stabilisation of line of sight in surveying 什么意思
  3. stabilisation of movement 什么意思
  4. stabilisation of movement for stabilisation of movements 什么意思
  5. stabilisation of movements for instruments 什么意思
  6. stabilisation of operating point 什么意思
  7. stabilisation of operating point, power supply 什么意思
  8. stabilisation of operating point, temperature stabilisation 什么意思
  9. stabilisation of ship 什么意思
  10. stabilisation of ship against rolling 什么意思


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